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Climate Futures Introductory Task

  • Key Stage 3
  • Popular Activity
  • Topical

Type: Activity
Learning Strategy: Communication
Topic: Human impacts

Climate change is a complex issue. In this introductory activity, students are asked to look at four photographs depicting issues related to climate change and to think creatively about how the people in the pictures might feel. Students discuss their opinions in pairs and fours, before discussing emerging dilemmas as a class. The appropriate collage of images is then used to introduce one of the four main activities: Green Biker, Garbage Guru, Food for Thought and Smart Energy

This is a Climate Futures activity

Published: 21st May 2008
Reviews & Comments: 1

Learning objectives

Personal Capability Objectives:
Communication - Discussing What? Why? and What If?
Creativity - to think creatively
Science Objectives:
To use scientific ideas creatively to inform discussion and debate

Try the activity

You will need Acrobat Reader installed to open the activity sheets.

Ages 11-14

KS3 Science National Curriculum (from September 2008)

3.4 - The environment, Earth and universe

c. - Human activity and natural processes can lead to changes in the environment

Running the activity

• Give each student a copy of one of the four ‘picture power’ images.
• Ask students to think about their photo, and what it means to them:
How might the people in the picture feel?
What opinions might these people have?
What are your thoughts and opinions on your image?
• Ask students to discuss their opinions in pairs and fours.
• Lead a class discussion so that students can look at – and share their opinions about – all four images.
• Use the appropriate collage of images to introduce one of the following four activities: Green Biker, Garbage Guru, Food for Thought, and Smart Energy.
• Run one of the four main activities – see individual teachers’ notes for guidance.
• Encourage students to review progress and understanding using the review section on the last page of the Introductory Activity.

News links

BBC Learning - Environmental Studies
For Environmental Studies online learning, support and advice
Live Science - Environment
For articles on the Environment
Green Futures - Forum for the Future
Forum that explores how to achieve a sustainable future, providing current news, opinion and articles
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life
The Royal Society on Climate Change
Climate change science, facts and figures, policy and reports, including a simple guide to controversies

Reviews & Comments

Write your online review to share your feedback and classroom tips with other teachers. How well does it work, how engaging is it, how did you use it, and how could it be improved?

Also good as a recap

Apr 21st, 2009

4 Star

I used this towards the end of a climate change topic and it was useful for remind the students of the causes and consequences of climate change.

Reviewer: Bob Rouf

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