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Camel Milk

  • Key Stage 3
  • Popular Activity
  • Topical

Type: Activity
Learning Strategy: Communication
Topic: Food & digestion

Camel's milk is said to be an 'acquired taste', yet many people around the world depend on it. Its composition is closer to human milk than cow's milk is, so it is better for us. It also contains antibodies, and these may help fight serious diseases like cancer, HIV/Aids, Alzheimer's and hepatitis B. It could be the 'super food' of the future in the West, and generate much-needed income for developing countries. The activity invites pupils to consider whether these benefits outweigh the 'yuk' factor for potential camel milk consumers in the UK.

Published: 3rd May 2006
Reviews & Comments: 7

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Learning objectives

Students will:
-About a major food source for people living in very harsh environments.
-How that food source could be of benefit to more people in the future.
-How to extract and interpret relevant information to make a report.

Try the activity

You will need Acrobat Reader installed to open the activity sheets.

11 - 14 (KS3)
Food and digestion QCA 8A:
That foods contain a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
Fit and Healthy QCA 9B:
That a balanced diet requires nutrients, including vitamins, in the correct quantities.

Running the activity

Page 1 prompts students to consider the idea of drinking camel milk. Would they drink it? A class vote could be taken. Page 2 sets the task. Students take on the role of workers at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. They are asked to devise a short presentation to a major supermarket chain. They need to convince their dairy buyers to stock camel milk using facts from the data sheet on Page 3.

Students can work individually, as a whole class, or preferably in groups to promote discussion. Many of the items on the data sheet are not fully explained e.g. that it is an advantage for camel milk to be rich in vitamin C; so some prior learning about dietary requirements is expected. A writing frame is provided on Page 4. If this was felt to be too limiting, then the questions on the frame could be put up on the board. Each group could present to the rest of the class.

Extension or alternative exercise for some of the class:
Raise some points about the drawbacks of stocking camel milk with some students. They could take on the role of dairy buyers for the supermarket chain, and devise questions to ask the teams making the case for camel milk.

News links

Camels could help cure humans story.
'Official' UN camel milk site, with more facts than you could possibly wish for on camel milk! Links onto other pages about camel milk products, camel husbandry etc.
Nice short article about camel milk.
Lots of camel facts.
Lots of camel facts
British Nutrition Foundation
British Nutrition Foundation page about milk and dairy products.
There is a link to a press release entitled 'The True Story about Milk' with some responses to anti-milk campaigns, and a good summary about the value of milk to the human diet.

Reviews & Comments

Write your online review to share your feedback and classroom tips with other teachers. How well does it work, how engaging is it, how did you use it, and how could it be improved?

Camel Milk

Mar 14th, 2012

5 Star

Very Interesting. Eye opener for my year 8s.

Reviewer: Charles Morrison

camels milk

Jan 11th, 2010

5 Star

brilliant resource- extremely visual, as all your resources seem to be. simplified information which is extremely important for the learning abilities of the pupils that I teach. I am sure my pupils will be eager to read the information provide and more willing to pick out relevant factors to answer the questions provided. Saved me hours of finding interesting science resources

Reviewer: dawn kelly

Camel Milk review

Jan 27th, 2008

5 Star

a fantastic resource to get pupils going

Reviewer: safiya addo

Camel milk

Jul 19th, 2007

5 Star

The graduate teacher at my school did this activity with Year 8 and it went down really well. I subsequently tried it with my Year 8 and they really enjoyed the activity, especially when they had to present their Powerpoint presentations. Some good pieces of work were produced

Reviewer: Angeline Nicholas

Camel Milk review

May 31st, 2006

5 Star

generally I love all the activities. It is a pity that I do not have internet access in my class and so not able to use them many times . I hope to get internet access in my class very soon and hopefully use them more often. I will then be able to give a better response. But it gives very good and 'engaging' ideas to be used in class.

Thanks a lot!!

Reviewer: Fatima Madha

Camel milk

May 10th, 2006

4 Star

Dear Mr Heslop,

This is a message from Oak Farm School.

Sue Read says hello.

Margaret wants to know if you remember her.

We say that "camel milk is great and we would like to have a taste." "We aint tried it yet".

After the lesson - a class of 7, 4 people would try camel milk, 2 would not.

The activity kept us going for 3/4 of an hour. Thanks

Reviewer: Sarah Wood

Camel milk V's Cows milk

May 8th, 2006

4 Star

This went down really well with my year 8's.

I got them to use the sheets to pick out the most important factor for their ad campaign.

I then got them to devise a slogan that would help them to sell their milk on T.V. which was great fun.

Thank you.

Reviewer: patrick Hogan

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